
Iz Wikinavedka, proste zbirke navedkov in pregovorov

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 * Direct imagelinks to Commons
 * @source
 * @author [[commons:User:Krinkle]]
 * @version 12, with local modifications
 * required modules: mediawiki.util
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber', 0 ) >= 0 && !mw.user.options.get( 'multimediaviewer-enable' )) {
	mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
                        commonsBasePath = '//',
                        commonsBaseScript =  '//',
                        localBasePath = new RegExp( '^' + mw.RegExp.escape( mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )['6'] + ':' ) ) ),
                        localBaseScript = new RegExp( '^' + mw.RegExp.escape( mw.util.wikiScript() + '?title=' +
                                mw.util.wikiUrlencode( mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )['6'] + ':' ) ) ),
                        uploadBaseRe = new RegExp( '^' + mw.RegExp.escape( '//' ) );

                $content.find( 'a.image,' ).attr( 'href', function ( i, currVal ) {
                        if ( uploadBaseRe.test( $( this ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ) ) ) {
                                return currVal
                                        .replace( localBasePath, commonsBasePath )
                                        .replace( localBaseScript, commonsBaseScript )
                                        // prevent false positive XSS detection in NoScript
                                        .replace( /\(/g, '%28' )
                                        .replace( /\)/g, '%29' );