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Uporabniški pogovor:Klemen Kocjancic

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Pozdravljena/pozdravljen v Wikinavedku, Klemen Kocjancic!
Wikinavedek je obsežen projekt, v katerem se zlahka izgubiš. Zato je na vsaki strani spletišča levo zgoraj na razpolago povezava na stran za pomoč.

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Če želiš, se lahko vpišeš na sezname Wikinavedkarjev in na svoji uporabniški strani navedeš jezike, ki jih govoriš ter druge podatke o sebi (od kod prihajaš, s čim se še ukvarjaš itd.)

Za konec še najpomembnejše: želim ti veliko veselja pri delu!

Če te zanima še kaj, nas vprašaj pod lipo ali pa se obrni kar name.   --Andrejj 09:16, 29 januar 2006 (UTC)



Hi Klemen Kocjancic! I'm not sure what "Tajski" in Tajski pregovori means (thai?) --Thomas 23:34, 30 januar 2006 (UTC)

Yes, that's correct. Tajska -> Thailand. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 23:44, 30 januar 2006 (UTC)
OK - it's linked to English and Japanese now. --Thomas 23:52, 30 januar 2006 (UTC)

Seznam ljudi po poklicu


Hi again! I guess you copied this list (and others) from the en.wikiquote. You should consider to use categories like [[Kategorija:Author]], [[Kategorija:Profession]]... so these lists will be built automatically. Otherwise it will be hard to keep them up to date. --Thomas 00:07, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Ja, I copied the list from there and I have already done such categories. That list would serve just as a guide, because currently I'm adding only already translated quotes and preverbs. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 00:10, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)



Hi! One more... :) I found a number of articles like Byron, Selenus... These are hard to assign because of possible ambiguousness. I guess "Byron" means "George Lord Byron" - but it could be any other Byron. You should consider to use only full names as titles and to include a minimum of biographical data (year of birth and death, nationality and profession). --Thomas 12:31, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for head's up! All such people (without any other info) are currently in ctgr Kategorija:Navedki/Ljudje. I have to find more info and fixed them and also rectgr them. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 12:46, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)



I'm not sure about the exact meaning of "Upanje". I guess it means "hope"? --Thomas 13:05, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Yes. So how come, that you know the lingo? Student, Slovene origin,...? LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 13:06, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)
I live in a country with four national languages - this makes it easier to build bridges between different languages. And there are a lot of good translation tools available online and offline... --Thomas 20:17, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Hugo Victor


This is Victor Hugo, isn't he? --Thomas 21:03, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Samuel Beckelt


Typo: Samuel Beckett --Thomas 21:04, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for corrections! Bis bald, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 22:10, 31 januar 2006 (UTC)

Which one is this - the older or the younger? --Thomas 22:04, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

No idea! In sources is just Samuel Butler. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 22:05, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)
Maybe you can figure it out by comparing the quotes with articles in other languages. --Thomas 22:15, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)
I'll do that tomorrow ;). Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 22:22, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

This is Juvenal I guess. If so, you should rename the article. --Thomas 22:15, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

I checked the :en page and none of the quotes matched. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 22:25, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

Same as Quintus Flaccus Horac? If yes, you should use the shorter ans more common name. --Thomas 22:24, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

E.T.A. Hoffmann? If yes, please rename the article. --Thomas 23:20, 1 februar 2006 (UTC)

= Euripides? --Thomas 18:46, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

Yes. LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 18:47, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

= Marcus Fabius Quintilian ? --Thomas 18:47, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

Yes, I'll move it. LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 18:48, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

= Michel de Montaigne? If yes, pleas merge. --Thomas 21:30, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

= C. Northcote Parkinson? --Thomas 22:34, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

= Baltasar Gracián y Morales? --Thomas 23:35, 2 februar 2006 (UTC)

= Ignazio Silone? --Thomas 19:38, 3 februar 2006 (UTC)

The older or the younger? --Thomas 19:47, 3 februar 2006 (UTC)

Don't know. Will have to check. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 20:07, 3 februar 2006 (UTC)



Why do you link any page to Misli.com? There is no correlation to the quotes, and I think that this will be seen as link spam as soon as the project grows up. --Thomas 20:03, 3 februar 2006 (UTC)

Source of the quotes is there. Problem is, that they have rotation system, so none of the qoutes have any permanent place. o you think that I should delete it? Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 20:06, 3 februar 2006 (UTC)
I don't care about. But I think that there will be some voices against these links soon... :-) --Thomas 20:21, 5 februar 2006 (UTC)

After your previously comment I started to removing such links (to main page), but I left those, which were direct to specific topic. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 20:26, 5 februar 2006 (UTC)

Alphabetic order


Hi again!
Maybe you should think about the sort order in lists like Navedki/Ljudje: If you define categories like [[Kategorija:Navedki/Ljudje]] in the article Alan Coren this results in an subborn alphabetic order by title. A list of authors is normally ordered by lastnames, which can be forced by typing [[Kategorija:Navedki/Ljudje|Coren, Alan]]. This would make it much easier to find an author. --Thomas 12:27, 8 februar 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, I know this ;). Over a year on Wikipedia. ;) The Kategorija:Navedki/Ljudje is ctgr for articles, which needed more info on the person; then I'll rectgr them. So temporary ctgr. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 12:38, 8 februar 2006 (UTC)
Sorry! :) I just can't see the advantage of temporary categories; that's work to be done twice. But this is up to you! For me it would just be much easier to synchronize an ordered list of authors. --Thomas 16:57, 8 februar 2006 (UTC)

Biographical Data


Are you planning to add some basic biographical data of authors in the near future? Just the year of birth and death (if given), nationality and occupation would be very helpful to identify an author. A link to the corresponding article in Wikipedia should also be added. In my humble opinion it's time to put more quality into sl.wikiquote.org before further increasing the quantity. --Thomas 16:11, 9 februar 2006 (UTC)

In due time, in due time. ;) Will started soon. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 16:13, 9 februar 2006 (UTC)
There will be no better time than now; all you can do immediately is done half time. But as always: It's up to you! :-) --Thomas 18:55, 9 februar 2006 (UTC)

Once again: I'm not sure about the maning of "Stvar". Is it a "thing" in a philosophical or in a real meaning? Or something else? --Thomas 16:29, 12 februar 2006 (UTC)

Both meanings. Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 17:46, 12 februar 2006 (UTC)

Italijanski pregovori


Včasih me je veselilo zbiranje italijanskih pregovorov in imam jih precejšnje število. Bilo bi jih preveč za en članek, zato se sprašujem, če bi bilo za Wikinavedek zanimivo, da jih prevedem, saj bi v tem primeru treba razpolagati kar s kategorijo. Kaj se ti zdi? IzTrsta. -- 07:32, 11 september 2006 (UTC)

Klemna zadnje čase ni več tukaj. če bi bilo za Wikinavedek zanimivo? Kar na plano z njimi. Vneseš jih lahko kar tukaj. Glede kategorij bomo pa že kaj našli. Pa ne pozabi se prijaviti. --Pasji pozdrav 07:59, 11 september 2006 (UTC)

close wikiquote


meta:Metapub/On_disbanding_Wikiquote is discussing possibility of closing all wikiquotes.

--Chico 16:41, 11. september 2008 (CEST)Odgovori

Wikiquote interlanguage communication


Hi, I'm Nemo from the Italian language Wikiquote and I'm writing you (via a bot) because you're an administrator of Wikiquote in this language; please excuse me if you've received this message more than once.
The simple thing that I want you to know is that Wikiquote has an official mailing list, Wikiquote-l, which can be used to communicate and discuss matters which interest all Wikiquotes. This mailing list was last "advertised" about three or four years ago, before many of us joined Wikiquote, and is currently almost not participated at all by Wikiquote users and very low-traffic. I ask you to subscribe, to participate in discussions and to write about your Wikiquote.
I love Wikiquote, as you probably do, and I think that we should be proud of what we do here, share our experiences and good practices to make Wikiquote better and raise awareness of it.
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I hope that this message has been useful for you. Cheers, Nemo (write me) 11:19, 14. december 2010 (CET)Odgovori